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SnyderOne has been providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses globally since 2004.

Is That Browser Extension Filled with Malware?

Is That Browser Extension Safe?

If you use a web browser in your business, you're probably familiar with extensions. These useful tools can enhance your browsing experience in countless ways, from blocking annoying ads to reducing distractions.

Extensions are incredibly popular because they can add so much functionality to your browser. But just as you need to be careful when installing new apps on your phone, you must also be cautious when adding new extensions to your browser. That’s because they come with a risk of malware.

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Now Copilot’s going to make your team work better together

Now Copilot’s going to make your team work better together

Have you heard about Team Copilot yet? It’s the latest addition to Microsoft's suite of AI tools and should be available later this year.

Think of Team Copilot as an advanced, AI-powered assistant designed to help your team work better together. While Microsoft’s 365 Copilot has been a personal assistant for individual tasks like drafting emails or recapping missed meetings, Team Copilot takes it to the next level by focusing on group activities.

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More businesses are proactively investing in cyber security defenses

More businesses are proactively investing in cyber security defenses

More and more businesses are making the smart decision to be proactive and invest in their cyber security defenses. This is fantastic news, especially since stats show that about half of SMBs still have no cyber security measures at all.

If your business falls into that category, it’s time to change.

Cyber security might sound complex, but it starts with a few simple steps. Let’s talk about some basics you can put in place right away.

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You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

Better Security Might Be At Your Fingertips

We all know how important it is to keep our data safe, whether it's our business secrets or just personal info. Passwords used to be the number one way to keep things under wraps.

But are they still cutting it today?

According to a recent report, it seems many people are sticking to their guns when it comes to passwords, with only a small fraction opting for biometrics like fingerprints. But why the hesitation? It seems like everyone's got data privacy and security on their minds, and that's totally fair.

So, what exactly are biometrics, and why should we consider them as a more secure alternative to passwords?

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Get Ready for Another Game-Changer from Microsoft

New AI Features coming to Microsoft Teams

Picture an AI-enhanced experience that streamlines your business communication and improves overall productivity to unprecedented levels.

Sounds a little like science fiction, right? But with Microsoft's latest announcement, this future is closer than you think.

Microsoft Teams is launching an ‘AI library’ that promises to revolutionize our Teams experience.

The goal? To empower developers to integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their Teams apps. The most famous LLM right now is ChatGPT.

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The Menace of Ransomware: Why Your Business Needs an MSP to Stay Safe

How Ransomware Cost Two Companies Millions of Dollars and Could Impact You

In recent times, the ominous specter of ransomware has been haunting the digital world, with high-profile incidents sending shockwaves through businesses and organizations. Just last week, two such alarming events have dominated headlines in the cybersecurity world, the ransomware attacks on MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment, two giants in the hospitality and entertainment industry. These cyberattacks demonstrated the dire consequences of ransomware for well-known enterprises, and this article aims to shed light on the importance of using a Managed Service Providers (MSP) like SnyderOne to fortify your defenses against these digital extortionists.

For businesses, data loss, downtime, and the cost of ransom payments can be catastrophic, potentially leading to severe financial losses and reputational damage - and you may be at risk now.

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Scary stat: 87% of businesses hit by this in the last year

Cyber Security Stats Present Frightening Prospect

You may think that cyber attacks only happen to large corporations. But unfortunately, that's not the case.

According to a recent report, almost two-thirds of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) suffered at least one cyber attack over the past year. That's a staggering number, and it should serve as a wake-up call for businesses everywhere.

But it gets worse.

More and more businesses are also experiencing repeat attacks, with 87% reporting at least two successful attacks over the past year. And on average, a company suffers almost five successful cyber incidents.

Terrifying. The question is, why are these attacks happening, and what can you do to prevent them?

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The Latest Trend in Phishing Attacks

This is the latest trend in phishing attacks

Have you heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words"? It seems cyber criminals have too, and they're using it to their advantage.

In a new twist on phishing campaigns, cyber criminals are luring victims to click on images rather than downloading malicious files or clicking suspicious links.

Let's dive into the warning signs, so you can keep your business safe from these sneaky attacks.

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Privacy Alert: Change This Setting in Your Browser, Now

Secure Your Data

Update: This controversial image enhancement feature now seems to have been removed by Microsoft, following privacy concerns.

Don't be mistaken, we love Microsoft Edge (and think you will too), but lately, something has come to our attention that we wanted to share.

It's always a good idea to be aware of what your browser is doing behind the scenes. And there’s an Edge setting that you might be interested to learn about. It’s one that sends the images you view online to Microsoft.

While this might not seem like a big deal on the surface - it’s done to enhance the images - some business owners might be concerned about the privacy implications. After all, you never know who might be looking at your browsing history.


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Is Your Business Data at Risk? Don’t Take Chances with Old Tech

Don't Take Chances with Old Hardware

When you replace old computers or external drives, do you delete data and then just… get rid of them? You could be putting your sensitive data at risk. A new study by a data recovery specialist shows that millions of deleted files can be recovered from improperly wiped hard drives that are sold online.

It isn’t just buyers who can access your old files. Cyber criminals often buy used hard drives and attempt to recover data from them. This could include anything from confidential business information to client details. It’s easy to forget about old data when you’re excited about shiny new technology. However, it’s important to consider what’s on that old drive before selling it or disposing of it.

Even if the drive is encrypted, it’s still possible for data to be recovered. And if the drive is damaged, there’s a chance that some of the data is still salvageable. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to sensitive information.

Think about it this way: Would you leave important documents lying around for anyone to see? Of course not! Your digital information deserves the same level of protection.

So what can you do to protect yourself?

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How Cyber Criminals Try to Hack Your Accounts While You Sleep

MFA Fatigue Attacks

Tired of endless notifications from your multi-factor authentication (MFA) app? Cyber criminals are exploiting this "MFA fatigue" to target your valuable business data. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple identity verifications. However, attackers flood employees with constant MFA notifications, increasing the likelihood of someone authenticating a login attempt out of frustration or exhaustion.

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The Final Curtain for Windows 10: What You Need to Know

The Sun is setting for Windows 10

Microsoft has announced that the current version of Windows 10, released in 2022, will be its final release.

If you're currently using Windows 10, you might wonder what this means for your day-to-day operations. The good news is that your computers won’t suddenly stop working. The current updates and security patches for Windows 10 won’t disappear anytime soon either.

However, you may want to consider upgrading to Windows 11 sooner rather than later. Microsoft has made it clear that it will be devoting all its attention to the new operating system from now on, so future developments and innovation will be focused on Windows 11.

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Charge Smarter: Unmasking the Threat of "Juice Jacking" in Public

Charge Smarter: Unmasking the Threat of "Juice Jacking" in Public

You know those charging points you find in airports, hotels, cafés, and even shopping malls? They're super handy for boosting your phone or laptop battery on the go. But lately, they've been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. The FBI recently tweeted some advice, warning people to stop using these charging points. Apparently, some clever criminals have figured out how to take advantage of the USB ports and sneak malware onto your devices while they charge.

Now, you might be thinking, "Wait, is this 'juice jacking' thing for real?" Well, it used to be more of a theoretical concern, but the technology needed to pull off such an attack has become smaller, cheaper, and easier to use. As a result, even less tech-savvy criminals are getting in on the action.

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Cyber-attacks are getting bigger and smarter. Are you vulnerable?

Cyber attacks are getting bigger and smarter. Are you vulnerable?

Have you ever tried to buy tickets for a huge event and found that the seller’s website has collapsed under the weight of thousands of people all trying to do the same thing at the same time?

The ticket site falls over – usually temporarily – because the server is overloaded with traffic it doesn’t have the capacity for.

Criminal Distributed Denial of Service attacks – DDoS, for short – exploit the same principle. When a DDoS attack targets a business, it floods it with internet traffic in an attempt to overwhelm the system and force it to fail. This results in the business and its customers being unable to access services. That may trigger a temporary failure, or it could be more serious.

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Beware: AI is the new secret weapon of phishing scammers!

AI is making phishing scams more dangerous

AI chatbots have become a dominant force in recent times, but beware, their rise has given cyber criminals the tools to create even more frightening scams. These malicious actors have discovered how AI can make their phishing attacks more insidious and terrifyingly effective.

Ironically, the phishing emails generated by a chatbot feel more human than ever before – which puts you and your people at greater risk of falling for a scam. So we all need to be even more careful.

The typical red flags that people are used to looking out for in suspicious emails, such as spelling and grammar errors, are now being eliminated by AI-powered phishing emails. The technology can even construct entire email threads that appear legitimate and trustworthy, making it even more difficult to distinguish between what's genuine and what's not.

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Is your security focusing on the right things?

Is your security focusing on the right things?

To protect your home from an intruder you make sure your doors and windows are all locked and secured. You might go further: build a fence around the perimeter, perhaps even get an angry-looking dog to stand guard.

But there’s no point going to all that effort if someone’s already broken in and set up camp in the basement. Yet that’s the security policy of thousands of big businesses trying to protect their data from cyber criminals. They do many of the right things. They invest in security software. They take a strong, multi-layered approach to security – including all the things we recommend, like multi-factor authentication, encryption, reliable backup systems and staff training.

But they don’t pay enough attention to detection and response. That involves constantly scanning systems for any sign that a crook may have gained entry somewhere, and having a process to stop an attack in its tracks. A new study shows that only a third of businesses place detection as their main priority, while two thirds say prevention is their primary focus.

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Young employees have different attitudes to cyber crime

Are young employees too relaxed about cyber crime?

If you employ anyone aged between 16 and 19, you need to pay special attention to the cyber security training you’re giving your team. A new study has revealed that a host of worrying online behavior has become almost normalized among many young people. And much of this activity is illegal.

We’re not talking serious cyber crime such as ransomware attacks or stealing data; but one in three 16 to 19-year-olds have admitted to digital piracy; and a quarter have tracked or trolled someone online. Most of these behaviors may not directly affect your business. But some are so commonplace that too many young people view them as a part of everyday life.

That’s not something you want them bringing to work.

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Take action to avoid a devious new phishing scam

Take action to avoid a devious new phishing scam

Another day, another scam. And this is a sneaky one. Cyber criminals are getting smarter. This recent malware threat is unusually smart. It impersonates a highly trusted brand name to get a foot in the door.

Targets receive a convincing looking email that appears to come from a widely used e-signature platform. Attached to the email is a blank image that’s loaded with empty svg files, which are carefully encoded inside an HTML file attachment (stay with us here).

In short, it’s very clever and it’s tricking its way past a lot of security software.

That puts businesses like yours at risk. Because code within the image sends people to a malicious URL.

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Windows is the prime target for cyber criminals

Windows is a Prime Target for Cyber Criminals

With its huge dominance in the workplace, Microsoft’s Windows has become the prime target for cyber criminals. They’re looking to access your information, disrupt your business, or hold your data to ransom.

Tens of millions of attempted malware attacks were discovered throughout this year, and a massive 95% of those threats were targeted at Windows. The vast majority of attacks are unsuccessful, but those that do succeed can create havoc for the affected businesses. So you need to be sure that you’re taking all possible precautions to protect your business and your data.

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Are your people Christmas shopping from work?

Are your people Christmas shopping from work?

Almost half of people with social media accounts have admitted to falling for shopping scams. So if members of your team are doing a little last minute Christmas shopping from work, how can you be sure your business is protected? New research shows that a massive 47% of people have clicked on links hoping to get a great deal, and instead ended up giving financial and personal details to cyber criminals.

That could mean they’re not only putting their own data and money at risk, but your device – and even your network – could be exposed, too. It’s not just shopping scams that are fooling people online. Phishing links have tricked 36% of people into revealing personal data. Phishing is where you get an email that seems to be from a person or brand you trust, but it’s not.

The same number have fallen for gift card scams – that’s where criminals gain victims’ trust and persuade them to buy gift cards or online vouchers. If an employee clicks a malicious link or downloads an infected file using their work device, the results for a business can be devastating. The risks go beyond the loss of data and reputation. The cost of downtime while you get going again is enough to put many people out of business for good.

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If you use a web browser in your business, you're probably familiar with extensions. These useful tools can enhance your browsing experience in countless ways, from blocking annoying ads to reducing distractions. Extensions are incredibly popular bec...

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