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SnyderOne has been providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses globally since 2004.

PING, WHOOSH, or BEEP? Now you can decide with Teams

Custom Notfication Sounds Are Now In Teams

If you've ever found yourself wincing at the sound of a Microsoft Teams notification breaking your concentration, you're not alone.

Here’s some news that might be music to your ears then: Microsoft has just rolled out an update that promises to make these interruptions much more manageable. With the latest update, you can customize your notification sounds on Teams. We believe that will make it easier to stay focused and prioritize your work.

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Now Copilot’s going to make your team work better together

Now Copilot’s going to make your team work better together

Have you heard about Team Copilot yet? It’s the latest addition to Microsoft's suite of AI tools and should be available later this year.

Think of Team Copilot as an advanced, AI-powered assistant designed to help your team work better together. While Microsoft’s 365 Copilot has been a personal assistant for individual tasks like drafting emails or recapping missed meetings, Team Copilot takes it to the next level by focusing on group activities.

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Get Ready for Another Game-Changer from Microsoft

New AI Features coming to Microsoft Teams

Picture an AI-enhanced experience that streamlines your business communication and improves overall productivity to unprecedented levels.

Sounds a little like science fiction, right? But with Microsoft's latest announcement, this future is closer than you think.

Microsoft Teams is launching an ‘AI library’ that promises to revolutionize our Teams experience.

The goal? To empower developers to integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their Teams apps. The most famous LLM right now is ChatGPT.

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Charge Smarter: Unmasking the Threat of "Juice Jacking" in Public

Charge Smarter: Unmasking the Threat of "Juice Jacking" in Public

You know those charging points you find in airports, hotels, cafés, and even shopping malls? They're super handy for boosting your phone or laptop battery on the go. But lately, they've been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. The FBI recently tweeted some advice, warning people to stop using these charging points. Apparently, some clever criminals have figured out how to take advantage of the USB ports and sneak malware onto your devices while they charge.

Now, you might be thinking, "Wait, is this 'juice jacking' thing for real?" Well, it used to be more of a theoretical concern, but the technology needed to pull off such an attack has become smaller, cheaper, and easier to use. As a result, even less tech-savvy criminals are getting in on the action.

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Young employees have different attitudes to cyber crime

Are young employees too relaxed about cyber crime?

If you employ anyone aged between 16 and 19, you need to pay special attention to the cyber security training you’re giving your team. A new study has revealed that a host of worrying online behavior has become almost normalized among many young people. And much of this activity is illegal.

We’re not talking serious cyber crime such as ransomware attacks or stealing data; but one in three 16 to 19-year-olds have admitted to digital piracy; and a quarter have tracked or trolled someone online. Most of these behaviors may not directly affect your business. But some are so commonplace that too many young people view them as a part of everyday life.

That’s not something you want them bringing to work.

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Could avatars make your Teams meetings more fun?

Sometimes You Want to Wear a Mask to Take on the World

Happy Halloween, ever since we were kids, we've celebrated this holiday that gives you a chance to be in public as something completely different than your look every other day of the year. With that in mind, let's talk about our appearance in our day to day work.

Do you inwardly (or outwardly) groan at the thought of yet another video call? Like it or not, they’re now a normal part of our working lives, but it doesn’t make them any more exciting.

Good news: Microsoft is introducing Metaverse-style avatars, called Mesh avatars, to Teams. You’ll be able to design your own avatar, personalizing its appearance, accessories, and even choosing its reaction gestures.

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Are you using Teams to share sensitive data? Are you sure?

Are You Sharing Sensitive Data on Teams?

Microsoft Teams has fast become one of THE most useful business tools for the way we work today. No matter where your people work from, they can communicate and collaborate quickly and reliably. But this remote way of working can also open the door to some major security issues.

New research shows that nearly half of employees frequently share confidential and sensitive files via Teams. That can be a big problem if employees are using personal equipment rather than company issued kit… it's simply not as secure as work devices.

More than half of people surveyed say they’ve shared ‘business critical’ information using personal devices. Worse still, 48% admitted they’ve accidentally sent files they shouldn’t have – possibly to the wrong person!

So how can you be sure that your people are using Teams in the safest, most secure way?

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Some bosses think their people do less when they work from home

Work From Home Productivity Study

How productive do you feel your people are when they work from home? Shockingly, 4 in 5 bosses believe people get more done in the office. Microsoft has become the leader of productivity over many decades. Can you imagine doing your day to day work without their software?

So, it’s no surprise the tech giant recently conducted a major new survey into productivity in the workplace – and some of the results might surprise you.

Researchers surveyed 20,000 people working for businesses in 11 different countries. They discovered the majority of bosses don’t believe their employees are as productive when working from home.

In fact, four out of five employers said they thought their people got less done when working remotely. On the other hand, a massive 87% of staff felt they were MORE productive when working from home.

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If you've ever found yourself wincing at the sound of a Microsoft Teams notification breaking your concentration, you're not alone. Here’s some news that might be music to your ears then: Microsoft has just rolled out an update that promises to make ...

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